Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bitching blog aka my life

Seriously -- this is it? I have been so incredibly frustrated today.

I feel an extreme disconnect with my kids and their school. I seriously don't know how I manage to balance full time work with full time mommy. Believe me - NOT easy and not much can working late nights, early mornings, on your feet or off. This is 24/7. There is no OFF switch. Being a parent NEVER EVER ends. I've got mr. social butterfly who is slacking on his school work and will soon be grounded for months; sweet little mason that doesn't get his way and turns into a devil; and french fry who has reverted to a 2 yr old with his meltdowns and the only way to get him back, is.....treat him like a 2 year old. He's 6!

Den had to go back to Tulsa today, so I saw him for like 30 minutes tops. He'll be home for the weekend.

UGH. Now mason doesn't want to get in grandma's car because he wants to play with his friend, the answer was no. God bless my mother who deals with these tantrums in person, while 45 miles away, I get to blog about it.

Susan said it best....I am a walking advertisement for birth control!

About Me

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I am a 30 something Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend. I have 3 amazing sons, an incredible husband and 3 fur babies.