Thursday, February 26, 2009

exhausted (ĭg-zôsted')

I have been so exhausted lately. I walk in the door and could literally, crawl into bed and go to sleep. That is, unless I REALLY, REALLY want to sleep and then my mind races and I'm up at 11:45 eating uncrustables.

The boys have baseball 'evaluations' on Saturday and haven't picked up a ball since this time last year, so practice was in order. Tuesday night love muffin came over and played catch with the boys. I sat on the front porch and watched as dinner was creating itself. After dinner, he helped Dalton with his homework and I watched the season finale of Real Housewives of Orange County. I felt like such a loser, but I was SO tired! I should have been the one helping with homework, although he's much better at 6th grade math.

About Me

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I am a 30 something Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend. I have 3 amazing sons, an incredible husband and 3 fur babies.