I've noticed lately that I can't remember simple words. I know what I want to say, but I can't remember the word I want to use...so frustrating.
The constant baseball schedule coupled with pregnancy has me exhausted. The weekends are no longer for catching up around the house, laundry, cleaning, organizing...wait, I don't do that stuff. Honestly, it's no longer resting and feeling like I have a weekend, instead it's baseball, baseball and more baseball. Quite frankly, had I anticipated this kind of schedule, I would have given it a second thought. Too late now? So, D had a tournament this past weekend. It was their dad's weekend. I decided to bow out and give their dad the details and cross my fingers that he would show up. When this has happened in the past, D stays with my sister & brother in law (also coach of the team). Lo & behold, his dad never showed up. Dennis and I spent the day together, had lunch, went to Babies R Us, looked at a discount furniture store for a dresser for the baby. Really spent some bonding time together. It was great, but I felt terrible for not being at the baseball field. D stayed the night Sat. night too (they had early games) and I picked him up as soon as he got back yesterday. So much for time away from the baseball fields.
So....back to Babies R Us. To sum up this experience, hilarious would be an understatement. Den has my kids, but when he got us, Rylan was 4, hardly an infant. This is all new to him. We look at pack n' plays, I suggest one that has a place for a newborn so we can use this beside our bed if need be. Moving on to strollers, he's shocked at the $200 minimum price tag. He wonders why we can't use the $20 umbrella stroller. I tell him we can hold off on high chairs for a while. We mosey around, I think mostly he was in shock. When we get to the baby beds, he said, "we already looked at beds". Me, "no honey, that was a pack n play, those are more for naps, they have a cardboard bottom, the beds have real mattresses". Next we move to bottles. For some reason, this is a real issue for me. I've always used playtex bottles with the drop-ins. However, this time around, I see the expense associated with the constant need of more drop ins. I like the sanitary part of it and minimal washing, but the expense....? On our way to the bottles, we pass the formula. I mention that I might "pump" but I'm not sure. After seeing the price tag on the formula, he is insistent that I should produce enough milk to feed the baby. Pumps...the good ones....$300! My poor hubby love was in sticker shock. That was enough for one day.