Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mini-Goal #1

I wandered across a website today called bookieboo . Funny name, inspiring stories. It's where mom's discuss and encourage other mom's to reach their weight loss goals. My first (& only thus far) post was about my lack of willpower. It's too easy to that the path of least resistance...the drive through, the dr. pepper, the quick (& non-nutritious) meals. I set a mini-goal. ONE dr. pepper per day. I have been drinking about 3 on average. THat's bad! It's an addiction, but I am determined to slim down. No big number goals. I'm going to try the mini-goal that is achievable and see if I can stick with it. Wait, I AM going to stick with it. Go me!

About Me

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I am a 30 something Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend. I have 3 amazing sons, an incredible husband and 3 fur babies.