Wednesday, June 17, 2009

11 PM - can't sleep

I'm reading My Sister's Keeper. I wanted to read the book before I saw the movie. I think it starts next weekend. Sad, sad story. I'm close to the end but my eyes won't let me keep reading tonight so I put my book down and tried to get into the sleepy such luck. My mind is racing. I told ex- this evening that I'm renting out the house. He was not so happy with my decision. I can't say I blame him but I really don't care what he thinks. So I think that is on my mind, along with the idea of packing up and moving, plus the kids don't want to go with ex- tomorrow, plus I've got a weekend of work lined up ahead of me, really doesn't end. Dalton asked me tonight why I look so sad. I think the word is stressed, not sad. Overwhelmed, not sad. Anxious, not sad. I tried explaining my lack of energy, no TV, etc. but how much can an 11 yr old really understand? So here I am, sitting at the computer, trying to clear my head so I can settle in and get some rest. I started cleaning off my bathroom cabinets, yes -- my lack of sleep is THAT bad. Okay, back to cleaning, then hopefully off to dreamland soon!


About Me

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I am a 30 something Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend. I have 3 amazing sons, an incredible husband and 3 fur babies.