Horrible blogger, slap my hand. so I have been just a little busy. Let's see if I can sum up the past few months without going on and on and on....
Pre-eclampsia was creeping up on me. My blood pressure was ridicu-lou and I started having protein in my urine. I was planning to work up until delivery but considering these factors, along with my high blood pressure, excessive swelling and gestational diabetes, I knew it wasn't happening, it was just a matter of WHEN.
December 22nd.
Dr appointment. BP too high, doctor was really concerned. He wanted to try and hold off for a few weeks to give the baby more time ot mature. Started steroid shots. Told me bedrest at home was the plan and try to reduce my stress. I was planning to be off work the last week of the year anyway, so it wasn't a big deal. My mom took the big boys to the dentist for me, I forgot to remind her, so at the last minute, she AS ALWAYS saved the day! I got home from the doctor about the same time she dropped off the boys. I told her what the dr. said and she was pretty concerned. I was supposed to be on bedrest, remember? Problem was....I had no diapers, no wipes, no bottles or paci's. I'd had a baby shower but one was planned at the office at the beginning of January. Would I make it?
December 23rd.
Getting ready for the holidays. Hectic. Mom's on Christmas Eve with the family. Needed to go to the store to get everything I needed to cook. Trying to rest
December 24th.
You know a late night or early morning phone call is NEVER a good call, right? I panic when the phone rings early or late. Reduce stress....ha. It was my sister. My mom had fallen in the night, they were at the hospital and they were planning to release her soon. They had run tests because she hit her head and back was sore, but didnt' see anything. She goes home.
Let me say here that my mom is my best friend (besides my husband). She has been there for EVERY major and not so major moment of my life. That's what moms do. She picks my boys up for me every day, comes to my house and helps with laundry. If she makes too much food for her and my dad, guess who gets the rest? I love that woman more than life itself. No lie! She is my everything. We talk two to three times every day.
December 25th.
Another early morning call. Mom had another fall, this time, they think she's had a stroke. My aunt had a stroke. I wasn't real close to her so I wasn't sure how much she was affected; however, I've seen her many times since, and she was fine. I went to the hospital and was shocked to see her. I've never seen my mom in this condition and hoped I never would.
The next few weeks were kind of a blur. My pregnancy complications escalated. Mom got worse. I couldn't return to work and was on strict bedrest. My heart ached...I needed my mom.
After a few weeks in the hospital, my mom was sent to a rehabilitation center. I visited when I could but because of my pregnancy, my time there was limited.
January 18, 2012 my blood pressure was higher than it had been and I was so swollen, looking back I didn't recognize myself. The dr said it was time. He sent me to the hospital. I came home, got the boys together and we headed to the hospital. I was nervous and excited. Baby boy was coming now and I was only 36 weeks pregnant. 4 weeks early didn't seem bad considering we were looking at delivering weeks prior.