Friday, February 13, 2009

Dear Mason

Dear Mason,
I’m not quite sure how you woke up as an independent eight-year old, when I clearly remember just yesterday, bringing you home from the hospital and you fit snugly in the bend of my arm. I remember the milestones you’ve passed over these last eight years and I cannot believe that you are now so tall, so smart, so handsome and so…eight! You are such a sweet boy.

I am the luckiest mom on the planet and I’m glad you are MY son. I am glad you still hug me and that my kisses are enough to make things right in your world.

Today is YOUR day – enjoy and have a good one!

With heartfelt love,

About Me

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I am a 30 something Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend. I have 3 amazing sons, an incredible husband and 3 fur babies.